#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <string.h> #include <syslog.h> #include <atm.h> #include <linux/atmdev.h> #include <linux/atmbr2684.h> /* Written by Marcell GAL <cell@sch.bme.hu> to make use of the */ /* ioctls defined in the br2684... kernel patch */ /* Compile with cc -o br2684ctl br2684ctl.c -latm */ /* Modified feb 2001 by Stephen Aaskov (saa@lasat.com) - Added daemonization code - Added syslog TODO: Delete interfaces after exit? */ #define LOG_NAME "RFC1483/2684 bridge" #define LOG_OPTION LOG_PERROR #define LOG_FACILITY LOG_LOCAL0 int lastsock, lastitf; void fatal(char *str, int i) { syslog (LOG_ERR,"Fatal: %s",str); exit(-2); }; void exitFunc(void) { syslog (LOG_PID,"Daemon terminated\n"); } int create_br(char *nstr) { int num, err; if(lastsock<0) { lastsock = socket(PF_ATMPVC, SOCK_DGRAM, ATM_AAL5); } if (lastsock<0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "socket creation failed: %s",strerror(errno)); } else { /* create the device with ioctl: */ num=atoi(nstr); if( num>=0 && num<1234567890){ struct atm_newif_br2684 ni; ni.backend_num = ATM_BACKEND_BR2684; ni.media = BR2684_MEDIA_ETHERNET; ni.mtu = 1500; sprintf(ni.ifname, "nas%d", num); err=ioctl (lastsock, ATM_NEWBACKENDIF, &ni); if (err == 0) syslog(LOG_INFO, "Interface \"%s\" created successfully\n",ni.ifname); else syslog(LOG_INFO, "Interface \"%s\" could not be created, reason: %s\n", ni.ifname, strerror(errno)); lastitf=num; /* even if we didn't create, because existed, assign_vcc wil want to know it! */ } else { syslog(LOG_ERR,"err: strange interface number %d", num ); } } return 0; } int assign_vcc(char *astr, int encap, int bufsize) { int err, errno; struct atm_qos qos; struct sockaddr_atmpvc addr; int fd; struct atm_backend_br2684 be; memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); err=text2atm(astr,(struct sockaddr *)(&addr), sizeof(addr), T2A_PVC); if (err!=0) syslog(LOG_ERR,"Could not parse ATM parameters (error=%d)\n",err); #if 0 addr.sap_family = AF_ATMPVC; addr.sap_addr.itf = itf; addr.sap_addr.vpi = 0; addr.sap_addr.vci = vci; #endif syslog(LOG_INFO,"Communicating over ATM %d.%d.%d, encapsulation: %s\n", addr.sap_addr.itf, addr.sap_addr.vpi, addr.sap_addr.vci, encap?"VC mux":"LLC"); if ((fd = socket(PF_ATMPVC, SOCK_DGRAM, ATM_AAL5)) < 0) syslog(LOG_ERR,"failed to create socket %d, reason: %s", errno,strerror(errno)); memset(&qos, 0, sizeof(qos)); qos.aal = ATM_AAL5; qos.txtp.traffic_class = ATM_UBR; qos.txtp.max_sdu = 1524; qos.txtp.pcr = ATM_MAX_PCR; qos.rxtp = qos.txtp; if ( (err=setsockopt(fd,SOL_SOCKET,SO_SNDBUF, &bufsize ,sizeof(bufsize))) ) syslog(LOG_ERR,"setsockopt SO_SNDBUF: (%d) %s\n",err, strerror(err)); if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_ATM, SO_ATMQOS, &qos, sizeof(qos)) < 0) syslog(LOG_ERR,"setsockopt SO_ATMQOS %d", errno); err = connect(fd, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_atmpvc)); if (err < 0) fatal("failed to connect on socket", err); /* attach the vcc to device: */ be.backend_num = ATM_BACKEND_BR2684; be.ifspec.method = BR2684_FIND_BYIFNAME; sprintf(be.ifspec.spec.ifname, "nas%d", lastitf); be.fcs_in = BR2684_FCSIN_NO; be.fcs_out = BR2684_FCSOUT_NO; be.fcs_auto = 0; be.encaps = encap ? BR2684_ENCAPS_VC : BR2684_ENCAPS_LLC; be.has_vpiid = 0; be.send_padding = 0; be.min_size = 0; err=ioctl (fd, ATM_SETBACKEND, &be); if (err == 0) syslog (LOG_INFO,"Interface configured"); else { syslog (LOG_ERR,"Could not configure interface:%s",strerror(errno)); exit(2); } return fd ; } void usage(char *s) { printf("usage: %s [-b] [[-c number] [-e 0|1] [-a [itf.]vpi.vci]*]*\n", s); exit(1); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { int c, background=0, encap=0, sndbuf=8192; lastsock=-1; lastitf=0; openlog (LOG_NAME,LOG_OPTION,LOG_FACILITY); if (argc>1) while ((c = getopt(argc, argv,"a:bc:e:s:?h")) !=EOF) switch (c) { case 'a': assign_vcc(optarg, encap, sndbuf); break; case 'b': background=1; break; case 'c': create_br(optarg); break; case 'e': encap=(atoi(optarg)); if(encap<0){ syslog (LOG_ERR, "invalid encapsulation: %s:\n",optarg); encap=0; } break; case 's': sndbuf=(atoi(optarg)); if(sndbuf<0){ syslog(LOG_ERR, "Invalid sndbuf: %s, using size of 8192 instead\n",optarg); sndbuf=8192; } break; case '?': case 'h': default: usage(argv[0]); } else usage(argv[0]); if (argc != optind) usage(argv[0]); if(lastsock>=0) close(lastsock); if (background) { pid_t pid; pid=fork(); if (pid < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Error detaching\n"); exit(2); } else if (pid) exit(0); // This is the parent // Become a process group and session group leader if (setsid()<0) { fprintf (stderr,"Could not set process group\n"); exit(2); } // Fork again to let process group leader exit pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Error detaching during second fork\n"); exit(2); } else if (pid) exit(0); // This is the parent // Now we're ready for buisness chdir("/"); // Don't keep directories in use close(0); close(1); close(2); // Close stdin, -out and -error /* Note that this implementation does not keep an open stdout/err. If we need them they can be opened now */ } syslog (LOG_INFO, "RFC 1483/2684 bridge daemon started\n"); atexit (exitFunc); while (1) sleep(30); /* to keep the sockets... */ return 0; }