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The Linux Kernel Speedtouch Driver for Ubuntu Warty Warthog

To get online with the Speedtouch modem you will need at least two things. A copy of the firmware and a copy of modem_run. They're both quite small files and will fit on one floppy disk. It might be wise to save this page on the floppy as well, then you can open it with Firefox to copy and paste the commands highlighted. You don't have to use a floppy disk, you could use another partition of your hard drive or a flash memory stick or something.
Before you go into that offline environment, consult this table and note whether your ISP uses PPPoATM or PPPoE. You'll also need to know the VPI/VCI numbers for your country/ISP.

If your ISP uses PPPoE you will need an extra package, br2684ctl. Save it on the floppy along with the firmware, modem_run and this page.

When you've rebooted into Ubuntu you'll need to mount the floppy disk. Start by opening a root terminal. On the top toolbar click Applications> System Tools> Root Terminal and then enter your password, put the floppy in, then enter

modprobe floppy

Keep the root terminal open as you'll need it again in a minute.

On the top panel click Computer> Disks> double click on the floppy disk. That should mount the floppy and put a little icon on your desktop. Again on the top panel click Applications> Internet> Firefox. That should open Firefox. In the top left corner of Firefox Click File> Open File...and navigate to /media/floppy to open this page.
Right click on your desktop and open a terminal. Enter these commands to copy everything from the floppy disk into your home and unzip the firmware. In your user (not root) terminal enter this (copy and paste to avoid typos)

cp -r /media/floppy/* . &&
unzip SpeedTouch330_firmware_3012.zip

What Revision?

Different versions of the modem use different firmware. To find out what revision your modem is, use the command

awk '/4061/ { print $5 }' /proc/bus/usb/devices

The rest of the commands should be run in the root terminal

The Firmware

Copy the firmware somewhere convenient. /etc/ppp works for me. If you have a revision 4 modem copy the ZZZL_3.012 file

cp ZZZL_3.012 /etc/ppp/mgmt.o

Otherwise, use the KQD6_3.012 file

cp KQD6_3.012 /etc/ppp/mgmt.o


Now put modem_run somewhere convenient in root's $PATH

install -m 744 modem_run /usr/sbin


Now you need to make a file called either chap-secrets or pap-secrets. If you don't know whether your ISP uses chap or pap authentication then just create both files. It won't do any harm. In the root terminal enter

gedit /etc/ppp/{pap-secrets,chap-secrets}

That will open gedit with chap-secrets in one tab and pap-secrets in the other. Add just one line to the end each file

"username@isp" "*" "password"

Change username@isp for the username your ISP gave you and change password for the password you chose when you set up your account with your ISP. Don't miss out the spaces in the " "*" " bit.
Now you need to configure ppp by editing a few text files. If your ISP uses PPPoE skip down to the PPPoE section


If your ISP uses PPP over ATM put this in /etc/ppp/peers/speedtch. You'll need to be root to write there so run gedit with the root terminal

gedit /etc/ppp/peers/speedtch

Copy and paste this into gedit but change username@isp for the username your ISP knows you by. Often (but not always) it has an @isp bit at the end. It may be @bt, for example. Also, change the 0.00 at the bottom for the VP/VC values for your country/ISP.

user 'username@isp'
plugin pppoatm.so

### If the firmware loads and pppd won't
### connect uncomment this option to make
### pppd be more verbose in the system log

# debug

### For more details (and more options)
### Read man pppd

Tidying Up

Now you just need to tidy up some loose ends. Make a symbolic link to sort out domain nameserver lookups. In the root terminal enter

rm -f /etc/resolv.conf &&
ln -s ppp/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf

You'll need to ensure some modules are loaded to be able to connect with ppp. Open /etc/modules with a text editor

gedit /etc/modules

Add these two entries to /etc/modules so they will be loaded during the boot process


To connect on boot you'll need to make a bootscript. These commands will

Copy and paste this into the root terminal.

cat > /etc/init.d/dial << "EOF"
modem_run -k -f /etc/ppp/mgmt.o &&
pppd call speedtch
chmod 744 /etc/init.d/dial &&
ln -s ../init.d/dial /etc/rc2.d/S95dial

And that's it, reboot and you should be online.
Edit /etc/apt/sources.list as you like, run apt-get update and then you can install all sorts of new things off the internet. For more details read

man apt-get

Please report any SpeedTouch problems to the mailing list


If your ISP uses PPPoE then things are a bit more complicated. Copy and paste this into the root terminal

alien -i br2684ctl_20040226-1_i386.deb

Open gedit with the root terminal

gedit /etc/ppp/peers/speedtch

Copy and paste this into gedit, change username@isp for the username your ISP knows you by. It often has an @isp bit at the end (it might be @bt, for example)

user 'username@isp'
plugin rp-pppoe.so

### If the firmware loads and pppd won't
### connect uncomment this option to make
### pppd be more verbose in the system log

# debug

### For more details (and more options)
### Read man pppd

Tidying Up

Now you just need to tidy up some loose ends. Make a symbolic link to sort out domain nameserver lookups. In the root terminal enter

rm -f /etc/resolv.conf &&
ln -s ppp/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf

You'll need to ensure some modules are loaded to be able to connect with ppp. In the root terminal enter

gedit /etc/modules

Add these three entries to /etc/modules and they will be loaded during the boot process


To connect on boot you'll need to make a bootscript. With the root terminal open gedit

gedit /etc/init.d/dial

Copy and paste this into gedit. Change VP.VC for the VPI/VCI numbers for your country/ISP. For example in Spain it's 8.32

modem_run -k -f /etc/ppp/mgmt.o &&
sleep 10 &&
br2684ctl -b -c 0 -a VP.VC &&
sleep 20 &&
pppd call speedtch

Those sleeps add thirty seconds delay whist booting, which is not ideal. You can try using lower values, but you might not get online at all.
Make that script executable and make a symbolic link pointing at it from /etc/rc.d so that it gets run during the boot process. Copy this into the root terminal

chmod 744 /etc/init.d/dial &&
ln -s ../init.d/dial /etc/rc2.d/S95dial

Reboot and you should be online.

gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

Change it to your taste and then run

apt-get update

Then you can install all sorts of new things off the internet. For more details read

man apt-get

Please report any SpeedTouch problems to the mailing list